Besame Mucho - 
Song Lyrics, Chart History, & Information

  • Music & Spanish lyrics written by Consuelo Velasquez in 1941, English lyric by Sunny Skylar
  • Velasquez was born Torres Ortiz Consuelo Vel�zquez in Ciudad Guzm�n, Mexico 8/29/16, and died in Mexico City on 1/22/05
  • According to Velasquez, the song was inspired by an aria from an opera by Enrique Granados a Spanish composer and pianist of classical music
  • The first major recording of the song was by The Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra, with vocals by Bob Eberly & Kitty Kallen
  • The Dorsey version hit #1 on the charts in 1944, sharing the top spot for a while with "Pistol Packin Mama" by Al Dexter
  • Besame Mucho was one of the first songs in the repertoire of the fledgling Beatles, and they performed it at their unsuccessful audition for Decca Records on New Year's Day in 1962
  • One of the most popular songs of the 20th century, Besame Mucho has been translated into over twenty languages, and has been recorded by literally hundreds of artists
  • Some of the major artists who have recorded the song are: Danny Aiello, Josephine Baker, Andrea Bocelli, Dave Brubeck, Vikki Carr, Jos� Carreras, Charo, The Coasters, Nat King Cole, Xavier Cugat, Sammy Davis Jr, Pl�cido Domingo, The Flamingos, Connie Francis, Stan Getz, Chris Isaak, Harry James, Ben E. King, Spike Jones, Frankie Laine, Steve Lawrence and Edie Gorme, Trini Lopez, Dean Martin, Carmen McRae, Les Paul, The Platters, Elvis Presley, Tito Puente, Linda Ronstadt, Artie Shaw, Frank Sinatra, and the 101 Strings Orchestra
  • A great song for use as a first dance at weddings

An excerpt from a live Oracle Band performance of this song is available as both a streaming RealAudio format, or as a higher quality downloadable MP3.  Select the version you'd prefer.

Streaming RealAudio

Download MP3

Besame besame mucho,
Each time I bring you a kiss
I hear music divine
So besame, besame mucho
Yeah I love you for ever
Say that you'll always be mine

Dearest one, if you should leave me
Then each little dream will take wings
And my life would be through
So besame, besame mucho
Yeah I love you for ever
Make all my dreams come true

Oh this joy is something new
My arms are holding you
I never knew this thrill before
Who ever thought I'd be
Holding you close to me
Whispering it's you I adore

So dearest one, if you should leave me
Then each little dream will take wings
And my life would be through.
So besame, besame mucho
Yeah I love you for ever
Make all my dreams come true

Oh this joy is something new,
My arms are holding you,
I never knew this thrill before
Who ever thought I'd be
Holding you close to me
Whispering it's you I adore

So dearest one, if you should leave me
Each little dream will take wings
And my life would be through.
So besame, besame mucho
Yeah love me for ever
Make all my dreams come true
Love me for ever
Make all my dreams come true
Love me for ever
Make all my dreams come true

Spanish Lyrics

B�same, b�same mucho
Como si fuera esta noche la �ltima vez
B�same mucho
Que tengo miedo perderte, perderte otra vez
Quiero tenerte muy
Cerca, mirarme en tus
Ojos, verte junto a m�
Piensa que tal vez
Ma�ana yo ya estar�
Lejos, muy lejos de ti
B�same, b�same mucho
Como si fuera esta noche la �ltima vez
B�same mucho
Que tengo miedo perderte, perderte despu�s

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711