Brickhouse - The Commodores
Song Lyrics, Chart History, Artist Information

  • Written and originally performed by Lionel Richie and The Commodores, formed in Tuskegee Alabama
  • The original Commodores lineup consisted of Lionel Richie (born 6/20/49 in Tuskegee, Alabama) on vocals, saxophone, & piano, Thomas McClary (born 10/6/50 in Eustis, Florida) on lead guitar, Milan Williams (born 3/28/48 in Okolona, Mississippi, died of cancer 7/9/2006 in Houston, Texas) on keyboards, William King (born 1/30/49 in Florida) on trumpet, Ronald La Pread (born 9/4/46 in Alabama) on bass guitar, and Walter (Clyde) Orange (born 12/10/46 in Florida) on vocals and drums 
  • One of the best funk / R&B groups of the 70s and 80s, The Commodores racked up a total of 17 Top 40 hits between 1974 and 1985
  • Lionel Richie left the group in 1982 to pursue a very successful solo career
  • Brickhouse reached # 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart and #4 on the R&B chart in 1977
  • The song is now a classic from the retro 70s, one of the most recognizable songs from that era
  • Brickhouse was the 7th of the band's 17 Top 40 hits
  • They have had 25 songs chart in the Billboard Hot 100, and seven songs reach #1 on the Billboard R&B chart

A sample of this song as performed by Oracle is available by clicking on either of the links below.  The RealAudio file will stream to your computer rather quickly assuming you have the RealAudio player installed.  The MP3 file must download completely first, but is of a higher audio quality.

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Song Lyrics - Brickhouse

Ow she's a Brick-house, 
She's mighty mighty, 
Just lettin' it all hang out
She's a brick-house, 
That lady's stacked, 
And that's a fact,
Ain't holdin' nothin' back, 
Ow she's a brick-house,
Well we're together everybody knows, 
This is how the story goes...

She knows she's got everything, 
That a woman needs, to get a man
How can she lose, with such a youth,
Thirty six, twenty four, thirty six, 
What a winning hand!

She's a Brick-house, 
She's mighty mighty, 
Just lettin' it all hang out.
Yea she's a brick-house, 
That lady's stacked,
And that's a fact, 
Ain't holdin' nothin back, 
Oh she's a brick-house,
Yeah she's the one, the only one, 
Built like an Amazon

The clothes she wears, her sexy ways,
Makes her, ole man wish, 
For younger days yeah yeah
She knows she's built, 
And knows how to please.
Sho' nuff can knock a strong man to his knees.

Cause she's a brick-house, 
She's mighty mighty, 
Just lettin' it all hang out.
Oh she's a brick-house, 
That lady's stacked, 
And that's a fact,
Ain't holdin' nothin' back, yeah

Shake it down shake it down 
Shake it down shake it down now
Shake it down, shake it down now, 
Shake it down shake it ooo ga ga
Shake it down, shake it down
Shake it down shake it down now
Shake it down, shake it down now, 
Shake it down shake it shake it

Brick-House - 
Yeah, she's mighty mighty, 
Just letting it all hang out
Ah what a brick-house, 
Yeah she's the one, the only one, 
Built like an Amazon.

Shake it down, shake it down
Shake it down shake it down now
Shake it down, shake it down 
Shake it down shake it shake it
Shake it down, shake it down 
Shake it down shake it down now
Shake it down, shake it down now, 
Shake it down shake it shake it

Oh what a Brick-house, 
She's mighty mighty, 
Just lettin' it all hang out
Yea she's a brick-house, 
That lady's stacked, that's the fact,
Ain't holdin' nothin' back, 
Owww she's a brick-house
Yea she's the one, the only one, 
Built like a Amazon

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band, who perform throughout the Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC area. 

In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711

Lionel Richie/Commodores GOLD

If you're a fan just getting into the music of Lionel Richie and the Commodores this is the album for you.

This double CD has 32 hit songs from the Commodores such as Brickhouse, Easy, and Too Hot To Trot, to the great work done by Richie as a solo artist, such as Penny Lover, Dancing on the Ceiling,  and All Night Long



Motown 1970's Best Selection

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Millennium Party Funk

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In addition to Brickhouse, you get Play That Funky Music by Wild Cherry, Atomic Dog by George Clinton, You Dropped a Bomb on Me by the Gap Band, and 16 more great funk classics.