China Grove - Doobie Brothers
Song Lyrics / Chart History / Artist Information

  • Written by Tom Johnston, vocalist and guitar player with the Doobie Brothers
  • Originally recorded and performed by The Doobie Brothers
  • The song only hit #15 on the Top 40 charts in 1973, but it has remained a staple of the classic rock repertoire ever since.
Other Doobie Brothers songs performed by Oracle:
Long Train Runnin

Song Lyrics - Long Train Runnin

When the sun comes up on a sleepy little town
Down around San Antone
And the folks are risin' for another day
'Round about their homes.
The people of the town are strange
And they're proud of where they came.

Well, you're talkin' 'bout China Grove, wo, oh, oh,
Oh, China Grove

Well, the preacher and the teacher,
Lord, they're a caution, they are the talk of the town.
When the gossip gets to flyin' and they ain't lyin';
When the sun goes fallin' down.
They say that the father's insane
And dear Missus Perkin's a game.

We're talkin' 'bout the China Grove, wo oh ho
Oh, China Grove.

But everyday there's a new thing comin',
The ways of an oriental view.
The sheriff and his buddies
With their samurai swords,
You can even hear the music at night.

And though it's part of the Lone Star State
People don't seem to care,
They just keep on lookin' to the East

Talkin' 'bout the China Grove, oh, China Grove.

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711