Electric Boogie - Marcia Griffiths
(AKA "Electric Slide") 
Song Information / Chart History / Lyrics

  • Written by Neville O'Riley Livingston (aka "Bunny Wailer", an original member of the reggae group The Wailers with Bob Marley
  • Originally performed by Marcia Griffiths, a Jamaican born reggae singer, she sang backup and toured extensively with Bob Marley's band as part of "The I Threes"
  • Griffiths recorded the song in 1982
  • Electric Boogie started the "Electric Slide" line dance craze in 1989 following extensive radio play here in the Washington DC area, although the steps to the line dance had been created back in 1975
  • For detailed information on the steps to the Electric Slide, see http://ric06379.tripod.com/id6.html.  The site was put together by the copyright holder of the steps.  
  • Strangely enough, despite the song's enormous international popularity, the song never cracked the US Top 40 charts, although it was a #1 hit in Jamaica

An excerpt from a live Oracle performance is available as both a streaming RealAudio format, or as a higher quality downloadable MP3.  Select the version you'd prefer.

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Song Lyrics - Electric Boogie

It's Electric!

You can't see it
It's electric!
You gotta feel it
It's electric!
Ooh, it's shakin'
It's electric!

She's a pumpin' like a matic
She's a movin' like electric
She sure got the boogie

You gotta know it
It's electric
Boogie woogie, woogie!
Now you can't hold it
It's electric
Boogie woogie, woogie!
But you know it's there,
Yeah here there everywhere

I've got to move,
I'm going on a party ride
I've got to groove, groove, groove,
And from this music
I just can't hide.

Are you comin' with me?
Come let me take you on a party ride
And I'll teach you, teach you, teach you
I'll teach you the electric slide

Some say it's mystic
It's electric
Boogie woogie, woogie
You can't resist it
It's electric
Boogie woogie, woogie
You can't do without it
It's electric
Boogie woogie, woogie
Jiggle-a-mesa-cara she's a pumpin' like a matic
She's movin' like electric
She sure got the boogie

Don't wanna lose it
It's electric
Boogie woogie, woogie
But you can't choose it
It's electric
Boogie woogie, woogie
But you know it's there,
Yeah here there everywhere

I've got to move,
Come let me take you on a party ride
And I'll teach you, teach you, teach you
I'll teach you the electric slide

Some say it's mystic
It's electric
Boogie woogie, woogie
You can't resist it
It's electric
Boogie woogie, woogie
You can't do without it
It's electric
Boogie woogie, woogie
Jiggle-a-mesa-cara she's a pumpin' like a matic
She's movin' like electric
She sure got the boogie

Don't wanna lose it
It's electric
Boogie woogie, woogie
But you can't choose it
It's electric
Boogie woogie, woogie
But you know it's there,
Yeah here there everywhere

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711