Let's Get Loud - Jennifer Lopez
Song Lyrics / Chart History / Artist Information

  • Written by Gloria Estefan and Kike Santander
  • Originally performed by Jennifer Lopez, (born 7/24/70 in the Bronx NY)
  • It was included on the debut album for Lopez, "On the 6 ", which was released in 2000
  • The song was nominated for "Best Dance Recording" for 2001
  • It was never released as a single in the United States, so the song never reached the American Billboard Hot 100 chart, although it is a staple at dance clubs
  • Owing to the word of mouth popularity of the song, it did manage to crack the Billboard Magazine Hot Dance Club Play chart, peaking at #39
  • Let's Get Loud was released as a single in Europe, and the song managed top 10 rankings in several countries, including Australia, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands, (where it reached #2), and Latvia. Latvia?
  • It has since become popular at sporting events to get the crowds motivated
  • It was originally intended as a song for Gloria Estefan, but producers decided it was too similar to her other material and opted to have Lopez record the song instead
  • Gloria Estefan does perform the song on tour periodically
  • The song has a heavy Latin flavor, making it a great crossover song that everyone will enjoy dancing to

Oracle Band MP3 / RealAudio Samples

An excerpt from a live Oracle Band performance of this song is available as both a streaming RealAudio format, or as a higher quality downloadable MP3.  Select the version you'd prefer.

Streaming RealAudio

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Song Lyrics - Let's Get Loud

Let's get loud, let's get loud
Turn the music up, let's do it
C'mon people let's get loud
Let's get loud
Turn the music up to hear that sound
Let's get loud, let's get loud
Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
What you gotta do

If you wanna live your life
Live it all the way and don't waste it
Every feelin' every beat
Can be so very sweet and you gotta taste it
You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
You gotta prove it
You gotta mean what you say
You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
You gotta prove it
You gotta mean what you say

Life's a party, make it hot
Dance don't ever stop whatever rhythm
Every minute, every day
Take them all the way you gotta live 'em
('cause I'm going to live my life)
You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
You gotta prove it
You gotta mean what you say
You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
You gotta prove it
You gotta mean what you say

Let's get loud, let's get loud
Turn the music up, let's do it
C'mon people let's get loud
Let's get loud
Turn the music up to hear that sound
Let's get loud, let's get loud
Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
What you gotta do

Life is meant to be big fun
You're not hurtin' anyone
Nobody loses
Let the music make you free
Be what you wanna be
Make no excuses
You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
You gotta prove it
You gotta mean what you say
You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
You gotta prove it
You gotta mean what you say

Let's get loud, let's get loud
Turn the music up, let's do it
C'mon people let's get loud
Let's get loud
Turn the music up to hear that sound
Let's get loud, let's get loud
Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
What you gotta do

Let's get loud, let's get loud
Turn the music up, let's do it
C'mon people let's get loud
Let's get loud
Turn the music up to hear that sound
Let's get loud, let's get loud
Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
What you gotta do

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

On The 6
Jennifer Lopez

The debut album by Jennifer Lopez, this album also includes the hit single "Waiting For Tonight

Purchase the album today from amazon.com for a fantastic price!

Let's Get Loud
MP3 Single

Download the MP3 single for your MP3 player today from Amazon.com for less than $1

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD  20886
(800) 470-0711