Mickey - Toni Basil
Song Lyrics / Chart History / Artist Information

Song Lyrics - Mickey

Oh Mickey, you're so fine,
You're so fine, you blow my mind, Hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!
Oh Mickey, you're so fine,
You're so fine, you blow my mind, Hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!
Oh Mickey, you're so fine,
You're so fine, you blow my mind, Hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!

Hey Mickey!
You been around all night, And that's a little long
You think you got the right, but I think you got it wrong
Oh, can't you say "Good night"
So you can take me home, Mickey.

Cuz when you say you will, it always mean you won't
You're giving me the chills, baby, please, baby don't
Every night you spend the evening all alone, Mickey

Oh, Mickey what a pity you don't understand
You take me by the heart, when you take me by the hand
Oh, Mickey you're so pretty, can't you understand
It's guys like you, Mickey
Oh, what'cha do Mickey, do Mickey,
Don't break my heart Mickey

Hey Mickey
Now when you take by the ooooh
Everyone gonna know
Every time you move, a little rhythm gonna show
There's something you can use,
So don't say no Mickey

So, come on and give it to me any way you can
Any way you wanna do it I'll treat you like a man
Oh, please baby please
Don't leave me in a jam Mickey


Oh Mickey, you're so fine,
You're so fine, you blow my mind, Hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!
Oh Mickey, you're so fine,
You're so fine, you blow my mind, Hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!
Oh Mickey, you're so fine,
You're so fine, you blow my mind, Hey Mickey!

(Chorus) 3x

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

New Wave Gold

What a super flashback to the 1980s!  This 2-CD set contains thirty of your favorites.  In addition to Mickey by Toni Basil, you get:

Tainted Love - Soft Cell
Pop Muzik - M
Turning Japanese - Vapors
Safety Dance - Men Without Hats
Goody Two Shoes - Adam Ant
Obsession - Animotion
...and 23 more, all for a fabulously low price!

Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711