Rodeo - Song Lyrics

  • Originally performed by Garth Brooks
  • The song hit #3 on the country charts in 1991
  • On 12/10/05 Brooks married country singer Trisha Yearwood
  • It was the second marriage for Brooks and the third for Yearwood 

Other songs by Garth Brooks performed by Oracle

His eyes are cold and restless
His wounds have almost healed
And she'd give half of Texas
Just to change the way he feels

She knows his love's in Tulsa
And she knows he's gonna go
Well, it ain't no woman, flesh and blood
It's that damned old rodeo

Well, it's bulls and blood, it's dust and mud
It's the roar of a Sunday crowd,
It's the white in his knuckles, the gold in the buckle,
He' ll win the next go 'round
It's boots and chaps, it's cowboy hats
It's spurs and latigo, it's the ropes and the reins
And the joy and the pain and they call the thing Rodeo

She does her best to hold him
When his love comes to call
But his need for it controls him
And her back's against the wall

And it's "So long girl, I'll see you "
When it's time for him to go
You know the woman wants her cowboy
Like he wants his rodeo

Well, it's bulls and blood, it's dust and mud
It's the roar of a Sunday crowd,
It's the white in his knuckles, the gold in the buckle,
He' ll win the next go 'round
It's boots and chaps, it's cowboy hats
It's spurs and latigo, it's the ropes and the reins
And the joy and the pain and they call the thing Rodeo

It'll drive a cowboy crazy
It'll drive the man insane
And he'll sell off everything he owns
Just to play her game

And a broken home and some broken bones
Is all he'll have to show
For all the years that he spent chasin'
This dream they call Rodeo

Well, it's bulls and blood, it's dust and mud
It's the roar of a Sunday crowd,
It's the white in his knuckles, the gold in the buckle,
He' ll win the next go 'round
It's boots and chaps, it's cowboy hats
It's spurs and latigo, it's the ropes and the reins
And the joy and the pain and they call the thing Rodeo

It's the broncs and the blood
It's the steers and the mud
And they call the thing Rodeo

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711