Sweet Dreams - La Bouche

Song Lyrics & Information

  • Originally performed by La Bouche (Melanie Thornton and rapper Lane McCray)
  • "La Bouche" is French for "Mouth"
  • Although both are Americans, they were based in Germany where McCray was stationed in the Air Force
  • Thornton was killed in a plane crash on November 21, 2001
  • A #1 Techno dance hit and chart topper throughout Europe in 1995, it reached #13 on the American Top 40 charts

A sample of this song as performed by Oracle is available by clicking on either of the links below.  The RealAudio file will stream to your computer rather quickly assuming you have the RealAudio player installed.  The MP3 file must download completely first, but is of a higher audio quality.

Streaming RealAudio Download MP3



Song Lyrics - Sweet Dreams

Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing
Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are taking over
Sweet dreams of dancing through the night

I wanna get into motion a better devotion
So I can make it through the night
So the music is playin', you know what I'm saying
Now everything will be alright

(Repeat - Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing......)

Ola ola eh, ola ola eh, ola ola eh eh, ola ola eh...

Rhythm is a creation a better sensation
That will lead you through the night
When your body is movin' the music is groovin
I want to take you home tonight

(Repeat - Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing......)

(Repeat ola ola eh, .....)

Keep dancin' hard, give this groove more feeling
Dance dance dance more feeling
In out up down all around, on the dance floor gettin' down
Take time just to show them who, we can make your body move
Totally, yes the party's started, sweet dreams keep comin' harder

(Repeat - Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancing.....)

(Repeat ola ola eh, .....)

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711