Turn The Page - Song Lyrics

  • Written and originally performed by Bob Seger (born 5/6/45 in Detroit Michigan)
  • The song was never released as a single, but was included on the album "Back in '72" in 1973
  • Seger was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in '04
  • In 1998 the song was covered by the heavy metal band Metallica and found new popularity among younger listeners
  • Additional performers to cover the song include Golden Earring, Waylon Jennings, John Michael Murphy, the Stone Mountain Boys, and Travis Tritt

An excerpt from a live Oracle Band performance of this song is available as both a streaming RealAudio format, or as a higher quality downloadable MP3.  Select the version you'd prefer.

Streaming RealAudio

Download MP3

Other songs by Bob Seger performed by Oracle:

On a long and lonesome highway east of Omaha
You can listen to the engines moaning out as one note song
You think about the woman or the girl you knew the night before

But your thoughts will soon be wandering the way they always do
When you're riding sixteen hours and there's nothing much to do
And you don't feel much like riding, you just wish the trip was through

Here I am - on the road again
There I am - up on the stage
Here I go - playing star again
There I go - turn the page

So you walk into this restaurant strung out from the road
And you feel the eyes upon you, as you're shaking off the cold
You pretend it doesn't bother you, but you just want to explode

Yeah, most times you can't hear 'em talk, other times you can
All the same old cliches, "Is it woman? Is it man?"
And you always seem outnumbered, you don't dare make a stand
Make your stand

Here I am - on the road again
There I am - up on the stage
Here I go - playing star again
There I go - turn the page

Oo-ooh, out there in the spotlight, you're a million miles away
Every ounce of energy you try to give away
As the sweat pours out your body like the music that you play, yeah

Later in the evening, you lie awake in bed
With the echoes of the amplifiers ringing in your head
You smoke the day's last cigarette, remembering what she said
What she said


And here I am - on the road again
There I am - up on a stage
Here I go - playing star again
There I go - turn the page
There I go - turn that page
There I go, yeah, yeah
There I go, yeah, yeah
There I go, yeah
There I go, yeah
There I go, oo-oo-ooh
There I go
And I'm gone

Note that the lyrics posted here are those as interpreted and performed by The Oracle Band. In a few cases we have taken some liberties with the lyrics to make them more appropriate for tasteful gatherings. Their use here is intended as an aid for people in selecting music for their wedding reception or private party, and may not be reproduced for any commercial, for-profit use.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711