Oracle 2006 - The Year in Review - Page 5

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As we did with the pictorial review for 2005, we've shown you, over the course of the previous four pages, a look back at the significant performances and events occurring in 2006.  Now we'd like to present, on this page and the next, the real reason Oracle Band exists...namely, YOU, the fan, who come out to our performances and support us.  So whether you're a weekly regular, or simply make it out a couple of times a year, these pages are dedicated to our "Oracle Family".

Thanks for your support!

Can you believe they made their own T-Shirts?  Now there's a FAN! Oracle fans - Troy & Dottie
Wesley is a very special fan of the band...and always on the dance floor There's always a smile on Gail's face!

Meet of our steadfast supporters Two greta friends...Shirley & Mike. Great news this year...Mike won his fight over the big "C"
She hates getting her picture taken, but she's just so cute! Happy Birthday Bob...did you ever clean the cake icing from your nose?

Is this a great looking couple or what? WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!
Nikki has her own fan base! Oracle fans are simply the best

Oracle Family - The best fans anywhere We love all our fans!
Now there's a rowdy bunch...but hey...rowdy is GOOD! You go girl!

May the luck if the Irish be with you all! We love our Oracle Band fans
Some of the extended Herrera clan...we're bringing them in from everywhere! Fans like these are an absolute treat...we're lucky to have you.

A picture says a thousand words! Doris is one heck of a dancer...we dare anyone to keep up!
Mike & one of his sisters And right back at ya!

Meet Steve Treado...keyboardist & guitar player for Jim Bowie Band We love our Oracle Family members!
With fans like these how can any band go wrong? These are a couple of real party animals!

These two fans just LOOK like they were made for each other! You rook MARVELOUS!  All Oracle fans do!
Oracle fans at Perry's Linda & Mike are a great couple...although when Charley does Toby Keith Linda can usually be found up on stage!


2006 - Oracle Band Year In Review Page 1
2006 - Oracle Band Year in Review Page 2
2006 - Oracle Band Year in Review Page 3
2006 - Oracle Band Year in Review Page 4
2006 - Oracle Band Year in Review Page 5
2006 - Oracle Band Year in Review Page 6

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711

Copyright 2007 by Oracle Band