Ravens Roost Party at Afterdeck

Saturday, December 11, 2004

It was a party to remember!  The Baltimore Ravens faithful fans came en masse to the Ravens Roost at J&Js Afterdeck in Pasadena Maryland on December 11th 2004 to support the team, raise money for the Make A Wish Foundation, and well...have a major party, all at the same time.

As the photos below will show, these Ravens fans are passionate about their team, their community, and about partying hard.  Many of these folks came in around 12:30 in the afternoon and didn't leave until after Oracle had started performing for the regular evening bar crowd at 9:00 that evening!  Now THERE'S a party animal!

It didn't hurt that there was also a Ravens fan in there celebrating his 40th birthday, and we caught plenty of photos of the occasion for posterity.

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Photos from Other Afterdeck Performances

Afterdeck - July 2007
Afterdeck - May 2007
Afterdeck - January 2007
Afterdeck - November 2006
Aftedeck - September 2006
Afterdeck May 2006
Afterdeck - April 2006
Afterdeck - January 2006
Oracle Holiday Party 2005 at Afterdeck
Afterdeck - November 2005
Afterdeck - October 2005
Afterdeck - August 2005
Afterdeck - July 2005
Afterdeck - June 2005
Afterdeck - April 2005
Afterdeck - March 2005
Oracle Holiday Party 2004 at Afterdeck
Ravens Roost Party at Afterdeck 2004
Afterdeck - November 2004
Afterdeck - September 2004
Afterdeck - May 2004
Afterdeck April 2004
Afterdeck - March 2004
Afterdeck - February 2004
Afterdeck - January 2004
Afterdeck - November 2003

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711

Copyright 2007 by Oracle Band