American Legion Post 175 - Severna Park

Friday, February 4th, 2005

What a great night for a party!  Oracle has called the American Legion Post 175 in Severna Park our home away from home for many years now, and we always enjoy performing for the folks there.  A better group of people you will never meet. 

Our good friend Vinne retired from the US Army after 20 years in the service. Click for enlarged view.However, on this evening we had not only our regular party going on, but two big celebrations were taking place as well, for two truly deserving people...

First off, our good friend and Legionnaire Vinnie celebrated his retirement from the US Army after 20 years in the service of our country.  

We'd like to send a big Oracle salute out to Vinnie for all of his accomplishments to date, and best wishes on his well earned retirement.  Judging by his photo, it's hard to imaging he could be OLD enough to have been in the service for 20 years!  He must have joined when he was 12!

birthday-girl.jpg (76870 bytes)As if Vinnie's retirement party we're cause enough for celebration, we were pleased helped our good friend Linda celebrate her 29th birthday...(again)!  A full house turned out to help Linda party the night away.

We weren't sure, but we could have sworn we heard her sing something to the effect of "I LOVE THIS BAR" in the mic during the course of the evening.  This of course has become "her" song...and a more fitting song couldn't be found.

Click on any of the photos below for an enlarged view.

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Other Photos from American Legion Post 175

Post 175 - August 2007
New Year's Party - 2006
Post 175 - October 2006
Post 175 - August 2006
Post 175 - June 2006
Post 175 - April 2006
Post 175 - St Patrick's Day 2006
New Years Party 2005
Post 175 - August 2005
Post 175 - April 2005
Post 175 - St. Patrick's Day 2005
Post 175 - February 2005
New Years Party 2004
Post 175 - October 2004
Post 175 - September 2004
Post 175 May & June 2004
Post 175 January 2004
Post 175 Valentines Day 2004
Post 175 St Patrick's Day 2004
New Years Party 2003
Post 175  August 2003
New Years Party 2001
Additional Photos From American Legion Post 175

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711

Copyright 2007 by Oracle Band