Photos from Oracle performance at 
Perry's Restaurant - Odenton Maryland

Friday, October 28, 2005

band-1.jpg (133004 bytes)It was the night before the big Halloween Bash at Perry's Restaurant in Odenton, and we were a little apprehensive about whether we would have much of a crowd come out.

As is usually the case, we needn't have worried, as the Oracle faithful came out strong to party the night away with us.

Our guest artist Nikki came out to play with us for a set, and did she ever set the place on fire!  It was really cool to see so many people just standing right up at the front of the stage to watch and listen, and the cheers at the end of Nikki's featured numbers were enough to send shivers down our spines.

Click on any of the photos below for an enlarged view.

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Photos from Other Perry's Performances:

Perry's - September 1, 2007
Perry's - August 31, 2007
Perry's - July 13, 2007
Perry's - June 9, 2007
Perry's - June 8, 2007
Perry's - May 12, 2007
Perry's - May 11, 2007
Perry's - April 13, 2007
Perry's - March 3, 2007
Perry's - March 2, 2007
Perry's - January 13, 2007
Perry's - January 12, 2007
Perry's - November 25, 2006
Perry's November 24, 2006
Halloween Costume Contest Winners - 2006
Perry's - Halloween 2006
Perry's - October 27, 2006
Perry's - September 23, 2006
Perry's - August 12, 2006
Perry's - August 11, 2006
Perry's - July 1, 2006
Perry's - June 30, 2006
Perry's - May 13, 2006
Perry's - May 12, 2006
Perry's - March / April 2006
Perry's - February 25, 2006
Perry's - February 24, 2006
Perry's - January 21, 2006
Perry's - January 20, 2006
Perry's - November 2005
Halloween 2005 - Perry's Restaurant
Perry's - October 28, 2005
Perry's - September 10, 2005
Perry's - September 9, 2005
Perry's - July 30, 2005
Perry's - July 29, 2005
Perry's - June 25, 2005
Perry's - June 24, 2005
Perry's - May 14, 2005
Perry's - May 13, 2005
Perry's - April 2, 2005
Perry's - April 1, 2005
Perry's - February 2005
Perry's - January 2005
Perry's - November 2004
Halloween 2004 at Perry's (Saturday Halloween Bash)
Halloween 2004 at Perry's (Friday Pre-Halloween Party)
Halloween 2004 at Perry's (Costume Contest Winners)
Halloween 2004 at Perry's - Band Costumes
Perry's - September 2004
Perry's - July 2004
Perry's - June 2004 - Veronica's Birthday
Perry's - March 2004
Perry's - February 2004
Perry's - January 2004
Halloween 2003 at Perry's
Halloween 2003 at Perry's - Band costumes
Halloween 2003 at Perry's  - Costume Contest Winners
Perry's - August 2003
Perry's - July 2003
Perry's - May 2003
Perry's - March 2003
Photo Gallery - Perry's Restaurant (Archived 2)
Photo Gallery - Perry's Restaurant )Archived)

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711

Copyright 2007 by Oracle Band