Fleet Reserve Club Photo Gallery

6/27/2003 - Veronica's Birthday Party

The Fleet Reserve Club in Annapolis is always a really great experience, with wonderful people in a great location right on the waterfront in the heart of Historic Annapolis Maryland.

The photos below were shot on Veronica's birthday in June 2003.  To say that the evening was a party is a gross understatement!!!

Click on any of the images below for a full size view.

Fleet_friends_1.jpg (140259 bytes) Oracle Band fans are simply the best in the area!  We wouldn't be anything without you guys!!!

Veronica celebrated her birthday at the Fleet.  Although we actually managed to get Veronica to have a glass of champagne, you can see that her drink of choice is right in front of her...a Diet Mountain Dew!!!

Veronne_birthday_1.jpg (166937 bytes)
Fleet_dancers_1.jpg (137833 bytes) Hmm...you've gotta wonder how these three always seem to show up in the photos.  No...they're not looking for attention...they're just always on the dance floor!

All aboard for the conga line!

Fleet_dancers_2.jpg (146654 bytes)
Fleet_dancers_3.jpg (146826 bytes) The dance floor wasn't empty all night long.  Of course with friends like these, die hard party animals at their best, one wouldn't expect anything less! 

Remember you can click on any of these photos to see them full screen.  What more can you say?  You can actually FEEL the fun...and it's even better in person.

Fleet_dancers_4.jpg (183929 bytes)
Veronne_birthday_2.jpg (170701 bytes) Here's our intrepid birthday girl at the end of the evening.  As you can see, she's still going strong in spite of just having performed for four hours.

No wonder Oracle parties are always so much fun.  With energy, spirit and enthusiasm like this, an Oracle performance is just the thing to cure the blues and brighten your spirits.

Happy Birthday Veronica!!!

For photos from the 2002 - 2003 New Years party at the Fleet, click HERE.

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886-5003
(800) 470-0711
E-mail: Info@OracleBand.net