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Oracle Band at Whispers Restaurant

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Glen Burnie, Maryland

Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie MarylandIt's really cool when your expectations are that the crowd might be pretty small for a particular performance, and upon arrival at the club the place is packed with fans.

Such was the case on Saturday May 30th when we arrived at Whispers for the second night of the "no-repeat-weekend", to find scores of familiar faces who came out to party with the band.

Lots of birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions helped make for a really great party night.  We also got a number of folks to come back that had been there on Friday as well, and they were treated to (almost) an entirely different selection of songs.  (We did have a number of requests for songs played the previous evening, and we ALWAYS honor our requests whenever possible).

Anyway it was a great, fun-filled evening, and we hope you enjoy the photos.  Click on any of the photos below for an enlarged view.

Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland
Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland Oracle Band on Saturday Night at Whispers Restaurant in Glen Burnie Maryland

Check out these photos from other specific Oracle performances at Whispers Restaurant:

Whispers - 06-29-2012
Whispers - 05-25-2012

Whispers - 04-27-2012 
Whispers - 03/30/2012
Whispers - 02/24/2012
Whispers - 01/27/2012
Whispers - 12/19/2011
Whispers - 11/18/2011
Whispers - 10/21/2011
Whispers - 09/30/2011

Whispers - 08/26/2011
Whispers - 07/22/2011
Whispers - 06/03/2011 
Whispers - 04/15/2011
Whispers - 03/11/2011 
Whispers - 11/19/2010
Whispers - 08/27/2010
Whispers - 07/23/2010
Whispers - 06/12/2010 
Whispers - 05/14/2010
Whispers - 04/03/2010
Whispers - 02/19/2010
Whispers - 11/13/2009
Whispers - 10/24/2009
Whispers - 08/20/2009
Whispers - 08/21/2009
Whispers - 07/11/2009
Whispers - 07/10/2009

Whispers - 05/29/2009
Whispers - 05/30/2009

Whispers - 02/28/2009
Whispers - 02/27/2009
Whispers - 01/03/2009
Whispers - 01/02/2009
Whispers - 12/20/2008
Whispers - 09/27/2008
Whispers - 09/26/2008
Whispers - 07/26/2008
Whispers - 07/25/2008

Whispers - 02/08/2008
Whispers - 12/01/2007
Whispers - 11/30/2007
Whispers - 10/19/2007
Whispers - 09/08/2007
Whispers - 09/07/2007
Whispers - 08/03/2007
Whispers - 07/06/2007
Whispers - 04/20/2007
Whispers - 02/02/2007
Whispers - 12/01/2006
Whispers - 09/29/2006
Whispers - 06/16/2006 & 06/17/2006
Whispers - 05/19/2006 & 05/20/2006
Whispers - 04/14/2006
Whispers - 03/10/2006 & 03/11/2006
Whispers - 11/26/2005
Whispers - 10/07/2005
Whispers - 09/02/2005
Whispers - 08/26/2005
Whispers - 05/28/2005
Whispers - 01/28/2005

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Oracle Band
19359 Keymar Way
Gaithersburg, Md  20886-5003
(800) 470-0711

Copyright 2013 by Oracle Band